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Allison Tabor

Allison S. Tabor, CPC
Speaker, Facilitator, Author

Why Bother Having a Business Plan?

Only 3% of the businesses in the US have written business plans – and yet those 3% control over 90% of the wealth in the US! Further, 80% of small businesses without a Business Plan- will fail in their first 5 years. With statistics like this, why don’t more businesses have written business plans?

Perhaps it’s because the experience of creating them has been as painful as going to the dentist! Traditional business plans can be burdensome, expensive and lack action-oriented appeal.

Unless you are seeking capital from a financial institution, these types of plans are completely unnecessary. Instead, there are simple, inexpensive and highly effective options that businesses can use to write actionable plans whether starting, sustaining, growing or exiting a business.

Being the practical, action-oriented entrepreneur that I am, I am passionate about One Page Business Plans®. Apparently, I am in good company, as even OPRAH recommends One Page Business Plans!® 

I’ve used the One Page Business Plan® in my own business for years before becoming a Certified One Page Plan® Consultant, helping other entrepreneurs to capture their best thinking in writing.

Do you have an actionable business plan for 2014? If not, consider joining me for an interactive workshop, on January 28th where you will get your 2014 business plan written and activated in 1 Day!

This concise process will bring new energy to your business and you’ll find great value in developing a one-year action plan that guides your business decisions and focuses your resources where they’ll be most productive over the upcoming year.